Tonight’s GOP Republican Party/Tea Party debate, in which the remaining four candidates will “debate” each other on issues ranging from the economy to marriage equality, will...
Editorial note: Click here for the Monday, January 20 debate information. Tonight, Monday, January 16, the GOP will hold its 21st Republican and Tea Party debate, this time...
Rick Santorum — unsurprisingly — has won the key endorsement of a huge group of over one-hundred Evangelical leaders and organizations, including those prominently featured as...
Personal finance whiz and out-lesbian Suze Orman has a message for gay Republicans and odds are they’re not going to like it, but it’s true. Today,...
NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, is positioning the November 2012 presidential election not as a referendum on President Obama, but as a referendum on same-sex...
Rick Santorum, the self-proclaimed “true conservative,” has just lost the Michigan Republican primary, to former front-runner Mitt Romney. Romney won his home state by a projected 41.4%...
We all know the GOP has been lying since (at least) Obama took office. While I hate to generalize, it’s safe to say that professional conservatives...
A study carried out by Mark Regnerus of the University of Texas, Austin, aroused suspicion when the public learned that the anti-gay National Organization for Marriage‘s...
Tonight, Saturday, January 7, the GOP will hold its 19th Republican and Tea Party debate, this time sponsored by ABC News, Yahoo!, and local Manchester, New Hampshire TV WMUR. The...
In a shocking column published yesterday, The New York Times asked readers to respond to the question, “Should The Times Be a Truth Vigilante?” Readers, commenters, and...
Michael Fumento, a respected long-time conservative, just announced he too is quitting the conservative movement, which, he labels as “extreme” and calls it “the new hysterical...
From Fox News and News Corp Chair and CEO Rupert Murdoch, to Fox Contributor and presidential canditease Sarah Palin, the Fox PR propaganda machine is running...
Rick Santorum is so anti-gay and homophobic today at a campaign stop in a Wisconsin bowling alley he told an unidentified young man, “Friends don’t let friends...
The exit polls from yesterday’s Michigan and Arizona primaries reveal some shocking news about who actually voted for Rick Santorum, and it’s not shockingly good news...
MSNBC’s Martin Bashir yesterday compared and contrasted President Obama and Rick Santorum. Bashir’s point: You have a choice for president this year. “Do you want intervention...