"Trump apologists will try to say that bragging about sexual assault is 'just locker room talk.' It isn't. It's bragging about sexual assault."
Both Members of GOP Ticket to Speak Friday at Annual Values Voter Summit
Trump's 'Detailed Immigration Policy' Speech Sounds More Like A Neo-Nazi Anti-Immigrant Hate Speech
Donald Trump and Family Have Totally Turned the 2016 Republican National Convention Into a Circus
Also, Fiscal Conservatives Go Over Budget by $6 Million, Beg Billionaire for Check
Would 'Protect' Those With 'Sincerely Held Religious Beliefs' That Marriage Is Between One Man and One Woman
'Best Person To Beat Hillary Clinton'
Former HP CEO's Biggest Contribution Was Lies About Fraudulent Planned Parenthood Videos
Jamie Lee Curtis, Robert DeNiro, Dennis Rodman, Mark Ruffalo, Susan Sarandon, Charlie Sheen, and more. Guess who these celebrities are endorsing for president?
In a very carefully worded statement, Mike Huckabee tells CNN he's unaware of any anti-abortion activists who have suggested violence toward Planned Parenthood's personnel.
Amid a historic high murder rate of transgender people, today's Transgender Day of Remembrance takes on even greater importance.
The Westboro Baptist Church showed up and picketed Kim Davis Monday morning.
A new Twitter account appeared five days ago under the name of Kim Davis - her husband supposedly is running it. And it's as vile and...
Welcome to the new world, a world where top political leaders stand up and demand America gives LGBT people full equality.