Rick Perry’s Texas voters poll puts his approval ratings “under water,” according to Public Policy Polling, who finds Perry has a 45% approval rating against a...
Yom Kippur is the most important holiday in the Jewish calendar. It is a day when you can find even the most secular of Jews in...
Barring a late entry by Zombie Reagan, it looks like we now have a final lineup of contestants for the 2012 cycle of So You Think...
NOTE: For the October 18 debate information, click here. Â When is the Fox News/Google GOP Republican debate Thursday? Here is all the information you need...
Highlights from Thursday night’s Fox News/Google GOP debate, featuring Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann, Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich, Herman Cain, Rick Santorum, Jon Huntsman, and...
Chris Matthews takes Michele Bachmann’s HPV trip as a launching point to attack anti-science, anti-evolution Republican politicians who are “asking us to give them command of...
Glee star Kristin Chenoweth tells Joy Behar that she’s devoutly Christian but doesn’t believe being gay is a sin. The award-winning Broadway and TV star talked...
Bryan Fischer, the public face of the certified anti-gay hate group, American Family Association, today on his radio program attacked Chaz Bono, saying, “she is a...
A few months ago, just after September’s devastating anti-gay bulling suicides that took the lives of at least ten teens, the Public Religion Research Institute released...
Bryan Fischer, the public face of the certified anti-gay hate group, American Family Association, today on his radio program said, “Let’s have a state law that...
Claiming that gays are mentally ill at a much greater level than the heterosexual community, Bryan Fischer, the public face of the certified anti-gay hate group, American...
President Obama delivered a rousing speech outlining his plan, the American Jobs Act, to create jobs for Americans. Knowing any improvement in the economy or in...
Fred Karger, America’s first openly-gay presidential candidate — and a Republican — is interviewed in this video by David Pakman on The David Pakman Show. Karger...
Will we see a Perry/Cain ticket in 2012? It’s possible, according to these numbers from a just-released Gallup poll that puts Herman Cain in the lead...
Bryan Fischer, the public face of the certified hate group American Family Association, on his radio program yesterday called for the re-criminalization of homosexuality in every...