Mitt Romney last week told Ralph Reed’s Faith and Freedom Coalition that he would “propose and promote” a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage in the U.S., and...
Rick Perry, whose embarrassingly dismal results in last night’s Iowa Caucuses — along with his statement he was heading home to Texas to “re-assess” — led...
Donald Trump‘s latest paranoid conspiracy theory rant is that vaccines cause autism in children. The failed Republican presidential wannabe candidate told Fox News that he “couldn’t...
NOTE: For the October 18 debate information, click here.  Here’s all you need to know to watch the GOP Republican Party debate! WHEN is the debate? Tonight,...
Michele Bachmann. Missing. In. Action. (image)
Matt Philbin, of the Culture and Media Institute, says Hollywood “doesn’t know anyone who doesn’t have lesbians in their family raising young children.” Philbin warns the...
All of a sudden the GOP now is concerned that the Internet hactivist group Anonymous (may have) issued a call to supporters to take down the...
Anti-gay hate group leader Bryan Fischer, the public voice of the certified hate group American Family Association (AFA) — with who Texas Republican Governor Rick Perry...
Tim Pawlenty just signed his name to the growing list of 2012 political candidates, including Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman who are refusing to sign the...
Parents are spending $50 to buy what they think are chickenpox-infected lollipops, in the hopes on giving their children the virus. Some parents are holding chicken...
A Right Wing extremist and pundit named Molotov Mitchell has just released a video — that’s gone viral quickly — which attacks GOP front-runner Newt Gingrich...
Donald Trump, who teased America into thinking he might run for President, has been defeated in the media by the very GOP candidates he claimed he...
Rick Santorum yesterday revealed a shocking side to his anti-gay bigotry. Santorum, still struggling in the polls a Newt Gingrich surges ahead, told a group of about...
In yet another example of anti-gay tunnel vision, NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, displaying a complete lack of understanding of the nature of same-sex headed households, links...
Wednesday afternoon, just before Thanksgiving, we received the following email, entitled, “constructive feedback,” from someone named Evan Parsons: “I dont care how fucking premium your advertisers...