var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; The son of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was a chaplain at a so-called “ex-gay” Roman Catholic ministry, Courage (logo, right),...
Chris Barron, co-founder of the gay Republican Tea Party group GOProud, last night sent a tweet advocating violence against a popular liberal journalist, David Corn. “Someone...
The founder of an Arizona Tea Party group has told Senator John McCain to “go to hell,” and added, “it’s time for you to take your...
Dan Savage is under attack again, this time for saying that “every dead gay kid is a victory for the Family Research Council,†while speaking at Winona...
In 2007, while running for the Republican nomination for president, Mitt Romney sat with conservative radio host Jan Mikelson of WHO-Iowa, and discussed many topics, including Mormonism....
The Values Voters Summit began today and it was a doozy. LGBT people and our rights were certainly demonized and trivialized, as were African-Americans, and women, but...
Seven human rights groups, including GLAAD and the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), have sent a letter to Paul Ryan, Eric Cantor, and other top politicos, asking them...
Bradlee Dean, the anti-gay Christian rocker and youth minister, and founder and head of the certified anti-gay hate group You Can Run But You Cannot Hide International,...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Ultra conservative Tea Party Republican U.S. Senator Jim DeMint from South Carolina, has announced his resignation and will become head of the ultra...
Brian Brown, president of NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, just stated, “Americans remain strongly in favor of marriage as the union of one man and...
It wasn’t supposed to be like this. Mitt Romney, who has been running for president since about five seconds after he was born, has been dreaming of this...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Rick Santorum is already planning and organizing his campaign for the Republican 2016 presidential election season. Santorum, who lost badly this year, ran...
UPDATE: Despite her name appearing as a speaker on Friday just before 12:15 PM at the Values Voters Summit, as the screenshot above, shows, the Romney...
It is commonly alleged that today’s Republican Party employs ruthless strategies to scare middle class voters into voting Republican, though doing so works mainly against those...
The American Family Association’s AIDS denialist Bryan Fischer stated that Magic Johnson being alive for 20 years after his HIV diagnosis is “confirmation” in his mind...