var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};John Boehner for the first time ever met with the House of Representatives’ LGBT Equality Caucus and reportedly told them there is “no...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; So, is this what Republicans mean when they say “traditional marriage” must be defended? Despite a shellacking at the polls in 2012,...
A highly-controversial Texas megachurch pastor was among the many faith leaders, Congressmen, and Senators who assembled for a three hour Christian prayer event inside the nation’s Capitol...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Jimmy LaSalvia is not one for who speaks softly by padding or editing his words to make them sound nice. In a 2011Â Twitter...
Bradlee Dean, founder of the “Christian youth ministry” and anti-gay hate group, You Can Run But You Cannot Hide International, is reportedly having a bit of trouble....
Today at 5:00 PM local time, Minnesota Democratic Governor Mark Dayton signed same-sex marriage into law. Couples can begin marrying August 1. The bill was passed...
Same-sex couples during the month of August were issued three out of every four marriage licenses in Minnesota‘s most populated, urban areas. Overall, same-sex couples took...
Minnesota, home to Congresswoman Michele Bachman — who grew her career on the backs of LGBT citizens being denied marriage —  just got a same-sex marriage bill to...
A slim majority, 51 percent, of Minnesota voters now support marriage equality and believe the law should be changed to include same-sex couples a new poll...
The Family Research Council has created two new fake “ex-gay” groups to further their rabidly anti-gay agenda. In honor of this attack, they are declaring July...
“Why don’t we make sure that every American is treated just like we are?,†Speaker of the House John Boehner coyly demanded last night on the...
STANDING ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF HISTORY examines ideas, events, places and people standing on the wrong as well as the right side of history. I...
A freshman Tea Party GOP Congressman says the Second Amendment allows Americans to own all the weapons the U.S. Armed Services have. So, logically, a nuclear...
Buzzfeed’s Chris Geidner posted an excellent and detailed piece, “14 Races LGBT People Will Be Watching Closely On Tuesday,” and we’re sharing some excerpts here, along...
Tea Party Republican Rep. Steve King, the most conservative U.S. Congressman, copied Sarah Palin‘s tactics Tuesday by writing notes on his hand — an apparent debate...