After a very, very, very long and arduous campaign season, today is election day all across America! If you haven’t taken advantage of early-voting, now is...
OK. Scratch that. Ann Coulter is almost one-hundred percent right. Take out her nasty zing about Democrats and Keith Olbermann and Ann Coulter is one-hundred percent...
After Judge Vaughn Walker released his Prop 8 ruling last week, I was contacted by a reporter for the Washington Examiner, and asked how the decision... In a close five-way race, (it would have been six but “Barack, the Magic Negro” intervened,) the Republican National Committee elected Michael Steele on Friday...
Last Saturday, thousands of people – gay and straight – joined together across more than 50 cities in the U.S. and Canada and kissed their loved...
Bishop Harry Jackson was paid $20,000 by NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, according to Adam Serwer at Mother Jones, who notes that Jackson is the head...