Claims Involves 'Surrogacy'
Spicer Calls For Investigation, Declines Further Comment
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Top GOP strategist Mary Matalin on Sunday defended Vladimir Putin and his anti-gay laws. The Reagan, Bush 41, Bush 43, and Cheney...
Over 80 Republicans have signed an amicus brief asking the Supreme Court to find a constitutional right to marriage for same-sex couples. Who are these extraordinarily...
Greg Ball, a Republican state senator from New York, literally seven minutes after Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the Boston Marathon bombing suspect, was captured last night, sent out a...
“I worked hard and sacrificed to get what I get,  Ladies, it ain’t easy being independent.†– Destiny’s Child, Independent Women 1 The election is days...
Tony Perkins Learns He Cannot Lie About Gay People On TV Anymore Tony Perkins Thursday learned that credible journalists will no longer allow him to lie...
Republicans and the radical religious right wing have staged an all-too-expected freak out over the news today that President Obama now support same-sex marriage. The headline...
Please read Troy Davis and Jamey Rodemeyer: By A Jury Of Our Peers: Part I. This is part II. 3 I am Troy Davis, I am Jamey Rodemeyer....
Guest Author Andrés Duque shares this important story with The New Civil Rights Movement. It is cross posted from his own site, Blabbeando.  Last week Republican...
New York State Republican Senator Greg Ball attempted to offer his vote in favor of Governor Cuomo’s same-sex marriage equality bill for a promise from former...
The United Nations takes historical steps in support of LGBT human rights,  the Centers for Disease Control reports  epidemic sexual and intimate partner violence toward  American...