var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Here’s the complete text of President Barack Obama’s 2014 State of the Union Address: THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary...
A top national conservative magazine with a considerable and respectable past has increasingly gone the racist and now post-birther route, labeling President Barack Obama “queer” and proclaiming...
Queen Elizabeth II Sunday will sign an historic anti-discrimination charter that is said to “signal” the crown’s support of LGBT rights, gender equality, and human rights...
The Supreme Court’s decision on DOMA last week will lead to a “bleak future” including “imprisonment” for Christians warns Janice Shaw Crouse of the rabidly anti-gay...
The daughter of the late former President Ronald Reagan says that she knows “the heart of the man who raised me as my father,” and were...
// Video from 2012 “Russia Day” celebration with addition of imagery of what has happened in Russia in the year since. On Monday, November 18, Wall...
President Barack Obama tonight is delivering the State of the Union address, technically his fourth, but the fifth time he is speaking on the state of...
 “New York, concrete jungle where dreams are made of, there’s nothing you can’t do.†– Jay Z (Featuring Alicia Keyes)  “On the backstreets of America,...
Below is Mitt Romney’s complete speech — text and video. Note: This video omits the first two sentences — we’ll post a better version as soon...
This NOM (National Organization For Marriage) branded video ad likens same-sex marriage to drug dealing, incest, and pedophilia, and claims that “natural marriage,” lowers crime, poverty,...
U.S. Senator Arlen Specter, the Democrat turned Republican turned Democrat, whose political career spanned five decades, and who was the architect of the single-bullet theory adopted...
Former Governor Mike Huckabee spoke with National Organization For Marriage (NOM) president Brian Brown today on the Mike Huckabee Show about Chick-Fil-A and its president Dan...
Chivas Sandage takes the readers of the New Civil Right Movement on a tour of an ascendantly queer America in 2013 post Barack Obama’s re-election This is...
Elizabeth Warren, who is running against GOP Senator Scott Brown, received huge applause and standing ovations that at time drowned out her speech to the DNC....
It wasn’t supposed to be like this. Mitt Romney, who has been running for president since about five seconds after he was born, has been dreaming of this...