CNS News bills itself as the “news source for individuals, news organizations and broadcasters who put a higher premium on balance than spin and seek news...
The Superintendent of Schools who oversees the Indiana teacher who told a local news station that gays have no purpose in life is supporting the teacher’s...
Dan Savage says Diana Medley, the Indiana high school special needs teacher who said gays have no purpose in life, “should be fired.” Medley was speaking...
Image: Jean Podrasky, (right,) and her partner, Grace Fasano. Photo by Adam Bouska for the NoH8 Campaign. A few weeks ago the U.S. Supreme Court heard...
Pat Robertson says that Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger “set the stage for Adolph Hitler,” and accuses the “evil” organization of “genocide.” The televangelist made his...
The Michigan health department has been secretly collecting information on people who test for HIV at federally funded clinics. For a decade. Since 2003, the Michigan...
A woman who took her same-sex partner to the hospital is being refused the right to visit her by a Catholic hospital in Indiana. Sarah Bray...
Slams GOP Shutdown ‘Farce’ Talking about the GOP shutdown and Obamacare, President Obama yesterday asked workers at a Rockville, Maryland construction company what would happen if...
Below is Mitt Romney’s complete speech — text and video. Note: This video omits the first two sentences — we’ll post a better version as soon...
A new Gallup/USA Today poll finds the majority of Americans believe Paul Ryan is unfit to become President, or are unsure if he is fit, and...
Missouri voters on Tuesday decided kids shouldn’t have to study evolution, climate change, or anything gay — in fact, anything the kids want to claim violates their...
President Obama was Jay Leno‘s guest on NBC’s “The Tonight Show” Wednesday evening, and when asked about Richard Mourdoch‘s comments that children born of rape are “God...
Richard Mourdock’s “God intended” rape. Todd Akin’s “legitimate rape.” Paul Ryan’s “forcible rape.” Why does the GOP classify rape as anything but what it really is? The...
Senate Republicans, the week before Christmas, are trying to slash 60 percent of aid to victims of Hurricane Sandy, funding only projects and needs that they...
Mitt Romney endorsed Republican U.S. Senate candidate Richard Mourdock on Monday. On Tuesday, Republican U.S. Senate candidate Richard Mourdock‘s comments, that children born of rape are...