var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Parts 4 & 5 in a 7-part investigative series Republican political operatives are about to give anti-LGBT hate groups just what they crave:...
American ‘Freedom’ Includes Not Having Technology That Captured Boston Bombers Pat Robertson today decried “Big Brother” or “George Orwell”-like security cameras, and, presumably, and computer applications...
The NRA has been invited to the White House this week to discuss gun control, as part of Vice President Biden’s task force that is exploring...
That Labor Day picnic at the Cheney Wyoming compound is about to become really awkward. Atop the smell of burgers, hotdogs, and beer will be the...
In this exclusive op-ed, top National Organization For Marriage watchdog Fred Karger explores and explains who’s funding NOM’s anti-gay campaign “to demonize the LGBT community and...
Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH) today refused to support closing the gun show loophole and refused to make background checks for all purchases of assault rifles mandatory...
The hugely popular President Bill Clinton just recorded this campaign announcement in support of President Barack Obama. “This election to me is about which candidate is more...
Judson Phillips, the head of Tea Party Nation, one of the largest tea Party groups, yesterday in a published email to supporters strongly suggested that President...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; GOP Congressman Eric Cantor this morning appeared on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” and told host Joe Scarborough, co-host Mika Brzezinski, and John Heilemann...
Newsweek’s cover this week is making headlines for proposing Mitt Romney suffers from “the wimp factor,” and asking if Mitt Romney is “just too insecure to...
Andrew Sullivan tonight told MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, “I’m bloody elated he’s back,” speaking of President Obama‘s debate performance. Sullivan is the conservative Obama-supporting journalist and “Daily...
Eleanor Roosevelt’s biographer says if she were alive today she would celebrate the  advancement of the LGBT, economic and social human rights movements globally Today marks...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; A Texas law professor says that Black and Hispanic students are failing in school because they are being raised by mothers who...
A Pennsylvania Christian minister, John P. McTernan, is blaming gay people and “pro-homosexual” Mitt Romney and Barack Obama for Hurricane Sandy. McTernan claims “both candidates are...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Conservatives — two, at least, notable writers — in wildly flawed and frightening attempts to find ways to avoid gun control, are...