Both Republicans Will Speak at Evangelical Conference Hosted by Anti-Gay Religious Extremist
From conversion therapy to HIV to DADT to marriage, Donald Trump's likely running mate Mike Pence has long opposed LGBT equality.
Republican Lawmakers Secretly Amend Anti-Gay First Amendment Defense Act, Forget To Tell Platform Committee
A Courageous Defender of the Rule of Law in a State that Continues to be Plagued by its Ugly Past
Judge Stops Law Minutes Before It Would Gave Gone Into Effect
GOP Presumptive Nominee Kicks Off 'New' Campaign by Spending Day in Closed-Door 7-Hour Meeting With America's Most Anti-LGBT Professionals
'They Don't Know That if It Takes Crucifixion, We Will Stand in Line Before Abandoning Our Faith and Our Belief in Our Savior Jesus Christ'
#GOP Mayor Doesn't Expect Any Business Backlash
Republican State Senator Closely Tied to Anti-LGBT Law Reveals Its True Purpose
Anti-Trans Bill That Lawmakers Are Trying to Push Through Tennessee Legislature Violates Federal Government Policy
Religious and Hate Groups Offer Praise to Mississippi Governor, But Vast Majority Oppose Move
Christian Evangelical Anti-Gay Activists Say They Look Forward to Achieving 'Life-Long Dream' and 'Totally Dominate Those Ladies' in WNBA
The Charlotte City Council just passed a historic non discrimination ordinance - governor threatens "immediate action."
Christian evangelical anti-gay activist unleashes unhinged torrent of ugly attacks in Facebook post ahead of city council vote.
Guest author Crystal Cheatham explains why a Facebook executive has no business speaking before some of the nation's most anti-gay activists.