Facebook released a limited tool allowing users to see what Russian propaganda they may have previously liked or followed on the popular platform.
Moore Taking Loss Especially Hard
Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, and USANEWSMAGAZINE Are Frequent Sources
One Popular Post by the Russians Said 'If Killary Wins There Will Be Riots Nationwide, Not Seen Since the Times of Revolutionary War!!'
Donald Trump took to Twitter early Saturday evening to further downplay the severity of Russia's meddling in the 2016 presidential election.
'Some of the Ads Were Aimed at Reaching Voters Who May Be Susceptible to Anti-Muslim Messages'
201 Twitter Accounts Tied to Russia Operatives Bent on Interfering With U.S. Elections and Democracy
'Virtually No President Has Accomplished What We Have Accomplished' Trump Also Claims
'Choose Peace and Vote for Jill Stein' One Ad Said
'Alt-Right' Publisher Working With Evangelical Lobbying Group
'We Are Actively Working With the U.S. Government on Its Ongoing Investigations Into Russian Interference' Zuckerberg Says
70,000 Votes in Three States Handed Trump the White House
"Most of the ads focused on pumping politically divisive issues such as gun rights and immigration fears, as well as gay rights and racial discrimination."
Denouncing Nazis Is 'Leftist Crap'?
"You allowed a scouting jamboree to be turned into an ugly fascist rally straight out of Triumph of the Will. How could you? Please reassure me...