A prominent Baptist preacher delivering the morning devotional at the Georgia statehouse today warned lawmakers against gay people's "erotic liberty."
Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed has fired his fire chief over publication of a controversial, anti-gay, religion-based book - without telling him first, and then for insisting...
Let's be really clear about what happened on Election Day.
The annual Values Voter Summit is back! Watch live now and all weekend long the hate fest that for three days will display the lies the...
The annual Values Voters Summit is here! Watch live now and all weekend long the hate fest that for three days will display the lies the...
In several key House and Senate races this year, the winner may look familiar to voters -- because he's also been their pastor or faith leader.
A well-known conservative pundit who was drummed out of many inner circles for trying to reform the GOP, this morning took to Twitter to mock his...
Voters in Alabama today will decide if they want to send a Tea Party Republican to Congress who wants gay people to “go back to California...
Fox News host Megyn Kelly took fellow host Lou Dobbs and Fox contributor Erick Erickson to task for their anti-women, anti-gay comments about a Pew poll...
Congressman Todd Akin, despite losing funding from the GOP and Karl Rove, and despite top Republican politicos like Erick Erickson, founder of RedState and a CNN...
Mitt Romney in this video tells a group of about 30 major donors that 47% of Americans are Obama supporters because they believe they are entitled...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; First, there were the birthers. Now, there are the seceders. Over the past few days news has swept the nation that there’s...
Congressman Todd Akin minutes ago just told Mike Huckabee that he is staying in the U.S. Senate race despite calls from both parties to quit. Yesterday,...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};President Obama‘s approval rating is soaring, his disapproval level is dropping, both to levels not seen since his first year in office, 2009,...
Lena Dunham, the Emmy-nominated creator of HBO’s “Girls,” made a vote for Barack Obama ad that spoof-equates “your first time” with your first time voting. It’s...