'Sean Spicer Gets a Recovery Tour After Lying to the Public for Months but the First Woman Nominee Is Supposed to Go Into Hiding' Asked One...
The Pentagon issued new guidance temporarily allowing the re-enlistment of currently-serving transgender troops, coinciding with reports that the U.S. Army had abruptly canceled the enlistment contracts...
'Two Things That Have Only Never Let Me Down in This Entire Country's History'
One Out of Four Republicans Would Rather Vote for a Democrat
'A Place to Gather and Learn From One Another'
MSNBC Has Frequently Taken Fox's Number One Ranking
Trump Campaign Had 'Understanding' With Russia Says Clinton
DeVos Tells DREAMers to Have 'Courage' - as if They Didn't Already
'You Can't Regulate God' Says Texas Republican
DOJ Says 'Forcing' Baker to 'Create Expression for and Participate in a Ceremony That Violates His Sincerely Held Religious Beliefs' Violates the First Amendment
"Most of the ads focused on pumping politically divisive issues such as gun rights and immigration fears, as well as gay rights and racial discrimination."
'We Have to Be Honest, That's Our Obligation to the American People' Sarah Huckabee Sanders Says. She Should Resign.
Important: Secretary of Defense, Not Secretary of State, Delivered Remarks
Trump Tells Reporters 'Things Are Working Out Well'
Trump Promoted Clarke's Book Days Ago