American Horror Story co-creator Ryan Murphy is creating a foundation and commits to having half of all director slots on his shows filled by women, people...
Evangelical Extremist Endorses Evangelical Extremist
The Harlem church whose pastor says "Jesus would stone homos" and Starbucks puts the semen of gay men in its lattes is about to go up...
Donald Trump Endorser Slammed For False And Harmful Comments On Very Real And Important Issue Of PTSD
Flailing Christian Conservative Lashes Out In Twitter Rant
Indicted Former Pharmaceutical CEO Mocks 'Whining' House Lawmakers On Twitter
At Donald Trump Rally Palin Addresses 'The Elephant In The Room'
Trump gets thousands of hours of free advertising called cable news stories, the GOP has had twice as many debates as the Democrats have - why...
Saturday Night Live's version of Ted Cruz admits what he really means when he says "New York values," and it's not just about abortion or same-sex...
Refuses To Apologize For 'New York Values' Comments During GOP Debate
Op-Ed: Guest author and veteran journalist Brody Levesque argues the LGBT community will never be free and equal as long as religious extremists are allowed to...
Birther 2.0? An 85-year old attorney says "natural born citizen" has never been defined, and only the Supreme Court can do so.
The New York Daily News produced another iconic front page cover after the Cruz-Trump battle Thursday night at the GOP debate.
Ted Cruz was confronted with his "New York Values" slur, prompting Twitter to respond beautifully.
Republican Governor Nikki Haley is wrong, very, very wrong.