According to a report from Newsweek, Donald Trump’s announcementthat he will be touring with former Fox News personality Bill O’Reilly in December was greeted with dismay...
Accused sexual harasser Bill O’Reilly is long-gone from Fox News but the Fox News is not gone from Bill O’Reilly. Wednesday on his “No Spin News”...
'There Was No Reason' Given by Fox News for His Firing, O'Reilly Claims
'Completely Unfounded Claims'
'This Is a Flagrant, Egregious Violation of the First Amendment'
Out After Two Decades Amid Sexual Harassment Allegations
'Exit Negotiations Are Moving Quickly'
As Murdochs Fight Over O'Reilly's Future More Women Step Forward and 480,000 Petitions Are Delivered Demanding Firing of 'The Factor's' Host
'I Shouldn't Be Laughing' Host Admits
'Right-Wing Sexual Predators Stick Together'
Sexual Harassment Allegations Come With a Hefty Price, for O'Reilly and for Fox News
Five women alleging Bill O'Reilly harassed them, sexually or otherwise, reportedly received about $13 million in payouts for their silence.
'The Left Wants Power Taken Away From the White Establishment' O'Reilly Complains
How Much More Openly Racist Can Fox News Get?
Fox News Host Said Slaves Who Built the White House Were Well-Fed and Housed