Donald Trump seems to be re-entering the possible Republican presidential candidate pool. The twice-divorced thrice married multi-billionaire father of five whose been an Independent, a Democrat, and...
In about 12 hours, at midnight tonight, the federal government is expected to shut down. What does this mean to most American citizens? How will this...
Republican U.S. Senator Jeff Flake has apologized for his son’s “language” problem. Tanner Flake, a fifteen-tear old who goes by the name “n1ggerkiller” in a Facebook...
GOP’s Actions Preventing Americans From Eating Speaker of the House John Boehner and his House Tea Party Republicans are enjoying their government shutdown, which follows in...
“Why don’t we make sure that every American is treated just like we are?,†Speaker of the House John Boehner coyly demanded last night on the...
Ann Coulter is attacking lawmakers working for immigration reform, and lamenting what she sees as a large influx of Hispanic immigrants from the “Third World.” Coulter...
Why does the GOP hate children? It’s not just that Republicans shut down the government, which made many families on government assistance programs nervous they wouldn’t...
Mitt Romney in this video tells a group of about 30 major donors that 47% of Americans are Obama supporters because they believe they are entitled...
Sister Simone Campbell, executive director of the Roman Catholic Social Justice Organization NETWORK, addressed the DNC to rousing applause, saying, “we care about the 100%.”
Over the past 24 hours, thanks to the Drudge Report, conservatives have been going (even more) crazy (than usual) over the “Obama phone,” even claiming Obama...
Ann Romney, in a Meet The Press interview — rare for a candidate and their spouse to appear together — took that opportunity and severely damaged her husband’s...
The New York Times tonight endorsed President Barack Obama for re-election in an extensive, honest, and detailed examination of the President’s policies, performance, and future possibilities....
Governor Mike Huckabee Wednesday night delivered a speech at the Republican National Convention during which he made ugly dog whistle remarks about Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, President...
Matt Drudge should be ashamed of himself, but we all know that will never happen. (By the away, Matt, Condi wasn’t Mitt’s VP choice…) Today Drudge...
Congress engages in political brinksmanship on making a deal as the fiscal cliff looms within hours of the New Year On the eve of the New...