'Wow, Maybe @RealDonaldTrump Has Found the 400 Pound Hacker!'
The Far Right Has Their Focus on Our Marriages, and Won't Stop - Ever
State Lawmakers Expected to Act Tuesday
GOP Nominee's Racist Supporters Seem Undeterred - If Not Emboldened - By His Statement Friday
Trump in February 2015: 'I Don't Know Where He Was Born. I Would Like to See His College Records, I Think That's Important.'
Lies About Clinton
Testing NCAA's Commitment to Inclusion: Big 12 Conference Considers Membership Application of BYU
'That Your Word Is Your Bond...'
2017 All-Star Game Remains in Jeopardy
'Fix' Does Not Go Far Enough
Having Lost Twice at the Appeals Court Level, School Board Tries One More Time to Thwart Equality
Lesbian Mother Says Superintendent's Statements Create Unsafe Environment for LGBT Families, Youth
Oklahoma Republican Lawmakers Declare War on Transgender Children
GOP Senator Reportedly Considering Anti-Trans Amendment to Sexual Indecency Law
Mexican President Brings Nation Closer to Equality