The DOMA repeal bill, known as the “Respect for Marriage Act,” was debated in the Senate Judiciary Committee this morning and passed by a 10-8 vote. Supporters and sponsors...
The Senate Judiciary Committee will take up Senator Diane Feinstein’s DOMA repeal bill today, beginning at 10:00 AM ET. Expect other business first but it’s on...
On National Constitution Day, let’s remember that the Supreme Court affirmed, in 1967, that marriage is, indeed, a civil right. Today is National Constitution Day, marking...
On Wednesday, in an historic, first-ever hearing to assess the impact of DOMA on families, and to consider its repeal, the Senate Judiciary Committee held a...
This year, we have seen historic progress for LGBT rights, in particular on marriage equality, at both the state and federal levels. Most recently, of course,...
A bill to repeal DOMA, the unconstitutional Defense of Marriage Act, will be introduced into the House Wednesday by Reps. Jerrold Nadler (D-MNY) Jon Conyers, (D-MI),...
President Obama has announced he supports the bill to repeal DOMA, appropriately named the Respect For Marriage Act, that will be debated in an historic session of the...
Editor’s note: Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-​NY) has been one of our strongest supporters ever in the U.S. Senate. I met the Senator two years ago, and heard...
This morning the Senate Judiciary Committee will be holding an historic, first-ever, hearing on repealing DOMA, the federal Defense of Marriage Act. Hearing before the Senate Committee...
The Respect For Marriage Act of 2011, as introduced today by Senator Dianne Feinstein.   // <![CDATA[ google_ad_client = “pub-6759057198693805”; /* 468×60, created 10/21/10...
        Made a big impact on the national dialogue on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” when she declared in June...
I’ll admit it. I have a stack of mail on my desk that gets bigger, not smaller. When it becomes an eyesore, I toss it into...
Why Did Clinton Sign DOMA Thirteen Years Ago? Thirteen years ago today, then-president Bill Clinton signed into law DOMA, the Defense of Marriage Act. DOMA essentially...
Gay Marriage Is Not A States’ Rights Issue Unless you’re currently in school, where our “Socialist” government forces (gasp!) all federally-funded educational institutions to devote time...
Marriage Rates Have Dropped 20% Since DOMA We know “death panels” are a lie. Pity we don’t have them for immoral laws. DOMA and DADT would...