The Immanuel Christian private school in Springfield, Virginia bans LGBTQ teachers and students because “homosexual acts and lifestyles are clearly perversions and reprehensible in the sight...
'Everybody Should Be Saying to Mrs. Pence' Says Sasse
School Also Requires Students and Teachers to Support Biblically-Mandated Murder of People Who Are LGBT
“Mark Harris will be the same man in Washington that he has been for decades here in the Charlotte area.”
Mike Pence is re-establishing himself as an individual political entity after spending four years in President Donald Trump’s shadow as his loyal vice president, and once...
Rudy Giuliani isn’t following Senator Marco Rubio on Twitter any longer. Nor Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. First Lady Melania Trump and Second Lady Karen Pence...
Vice President Mike Pence has just canceled a scheduled trip with Second Lady Karen Pence to visit their home state of Indiana. The Pences were slated...
There are at least 15 top Trump administration and campaign officials, including the head of the RNC, who have all voted by mail, despite President Donald...
Fox News anchor Chris Wallace responded to President Donald Trump’s recent claims that there is extensive voter fraud associated with vote by mail. In the midst...
'The Evangelical Vote Was Mostly Gotten by Me'
Harris, a pastor affiliated with the Family Research Council, became known in politics as an anti-LGBTQ activist.
Last year First Lady Karen Pence actively campaigned for Harris.
Trump praised Karen Pence's work at a school that bans LGBT people and promised to protect adoption agencies that discriminate against LGBT parents.
"To see major news organizations attacking Christian education is deeply offensive," Pence claims.
"We are bringing our troops home. The caliphate has crumbled, and ISIS has been defeated," Pence bragged.