A few weeks ago Lahren attacked and mocked Smollett, saying, "You're lying Jussie, I can Smollett." And now this.
“This entire situation is a reminder that there should never be an attempt to prove a case in the court of public opinion," Smollett's attorneys say.
Two sets of charges related to his claims about the crime and his interview with police.
"I wanted to say I’m sorry and, you know me, I would never do this to any of you, you are my family."
Leave it to "Fox & Friends" to do everything they can to use the Smollett story to paint the entire left as unhinged.
Smollett faces up to three years in jail if convicted on the felony charge.
"Detectives will make contact with his legal team to negotiate a reasonable surrender for his arrest."
Grand Jury is being presented with evidence.
Police: "No evidence to say that this is a hoax."
"I still believe that justice will be served."
"What I think is the worst sin of all is the fact that we’re allowing people to come into this country and sell drugs," Trump said.
CPD says it has images of "potential persons of interest."
It's unclear why Chicago police claim they did not have information on the "MAGA" slurs until hours later.
No word yet from President Donald Trump or any Republicans at all.
"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaahhaha. Ha," doesn't cut it. Not by a mile. Article she tweeted reports on the death threat.