var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};America’s Top Diplomat Slams Arizona And Uganda Anti-Gay Legislation John Kerry says that he’s sure the U.S. Supreme Court would rule Arizona‘s anti-gay...
Seven human rights groups, including GLAAD and the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), have sent a letter to Paul Ryan, Eric Cantor, and other top politicos, asking them...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; GOP lawmakers in Michigan are pushing for a tax credit for unborn fetuses twelve weeks or older. Democrats are calling the proposed...
Arizona‘s Legislature yesterday afternoon passed three harsh anti-abortion bills, including one that defines pregnancy as being two weeks before conception. Known in some circles as the...
Taylor Ferrara, a New York City woman, says in this video she is moving to Arizona to benefit from their new “pregnancy begins two weeks before...
In Arizona, women are now legally pregnant two weeks before conception, according to a new law, the Orwellianly-named, “Women’s Health and Safety Act,” signed yesterday by...
Gabby Giffords, just two weeks after the one-year anniversary of the tragic Tucson, Arizona shooting, just announced through this heart-felt video message that she is resigning from...
Michele Bachmann met with Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio on Wednesday, and tried but failed to get an endorsement from “America’s Sheriff,” saying, to no response from...
Would Republican presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann choose Arizona’s (in)famous Sheriff Joe Arpaio as her Attorney General if elected? Bachmann met with Arpaio yesterday (photo, above,) to “discuss...
Over the weekend, some conservative Americans were aghast that a British actor, Henry Cavill, was chosen by Warner Brothers to play the role of Clark Kent,...