Donald Trump this time is trying to look like he could be a serious candidate, so he's quitting his reality TV show, "Celebrity Apprentice."
Rachel Maddow was in her prime talking Republican politics with David Letterman - can you tell from her expression?
Watch as Sarah Palin becomes visibly angry with her Fox News colleagues for calling her potential presidential run a "reality show."
Former President Jimmy Carter spoke for an hour on human rights at a Michigan college and reminded students that Jesus never discriminated against anyone.
Glenn Beck says he’s now afraid he will lose his job. After the resignation of Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich over his anti-gay stance on Prop 8,...
The NRA, Tea Party Patriots, Koch Industries, Heritage Foundation, National Review, The Blaze, Americans For Prosperity, Facebook. All of these corporations are sponsors of CPAC, the...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Maybe we admire and respect Jon Stewart so much because he consistently says what we’re all thinking. Like last night, in his...
CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference, tonight (shockingly) held a gay rights panel titled “A Rainbow on the Right: Growing the Coalition, Bringing Tolerance Out of...
Donald Trump seems to be re-entering the possible Republican presidential candidate pool. The twice-divorced thrice married multi-billionaire father of five whose been an Independent, a Democrat, and...
CPAC, the annual Conservative Political Action Committee, begins today in Washington, D.C. The conference boasts Rick Santorum, Tony Perkins, Sarah Palin, Donald Trump, Rand Paul, Ken...
Donald Trump last night, just a few hours before flooding his followers with a string of 22 tweets pushing his NBC TV show, “All-Star Celebrity Apprentice,”...
Donald Trump, a top surrogate and fundraiser for Mitt Romney, is now using the 17 people who died during Hurricane Sandy to promote his failed $5 million...
Care to caption this photo of Donald Trump and Mitt Romney?   Related: Trump’s ‘Big News’ Falls Flat: $5 Million In Exchange For Obama Records...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; George Takei says Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia should consider recusing himself from the two same-sex marriage cases the Court will hear...
Donald Trump, the wildly unpopular Birther King and conservative loud mouth may not be long for the world of Macy’s (NYSE:M). Trump branded menswear — much of it...