Trump-Loving Republican Says He Hopes US Companies Continue to Make a 'Crap-Ton of Money'
'Dead Wrong'
"Guys like him wanted us to die. And they had an effect," an AIDS activist says.
Atwood apparently believes there's plenty of material in the age of Trump for another book.
Others are comparing Melania Trump to Marie Antonette, and some mocked the inclusion of her "Be Best" ornaments.
Swanky suite features five bedrooms and seven baths, while there's a waterfall in the building.
Cohen's residences and offices had been raided by the FBI.
One could credibly have the impression that the Queen twenty-five years ago could have been talking about 2017 as it too is ending with a certain...
'Love Is the Cure. Not Quarantines' Says Elton John
Republican State Rep. Is Also a Medical Doctor and Wife of Former Trump Administration HHS Secretary Tom Price
As Donald Trump and his administration wage war on the LGBT community, activists announced this week that for the first time, a permanent rainbow flag will...
'We Want Gun Control - When Do We Want It? Now!'
'We Certainly Support Religious Freedom and Would Ask That Congress Also Support That as Well' Says Press Secretary
Roy Moore Has Appeared on Radio Show of Pastor Who Calls for Gays People to Be Executed and Says That AIDS Is 'God's Retribution'
New Military Study Is 'A Transparent Effort to Provide a Retroactive Fig Leaf for the President's Bigotry' Says Attorney