Supposed 'Moderate' General Voices Same White Supremacist Views as His Boss Donald Trump
'Our Christian Heritage Will Be Cherished, Defended, Protected Like You've Never Seen Before' Trump Promised Conference Attendees in 2016
Fox News Steers Hard Right
Spicer Is Getting Promoted?
'The Left Has Precipitated This Tense, Confrontational Approach' Claims Rep. Trent Franks
After Two Days of Disaster Is the Third One the Charm?
Are There No Depths Too Low for Fox News and Laura Ingraham?
What exactly does Donald Trump see in Ted Cruz?
Governor Scott Walker, just one week after joining the 2016 presidential race, signs an extreme anti-abortion bill into law.
This video is going viral on conservative websites, but can't even they understand why this is, forgive the word, crazy?
Rand Paul, a medical doctor - ophthalmologist, actually, - by training, has an even more ridiculous position on vaccines than Chris Christie.
Laura Ingraham says Mike Huckabee won't win the White House, suggests he should have chosen a different path.
A Republican U.S. Congressman from Alabama is lashing out after a "Fox News Sunday" pundit claimed the only ones who oppose immigration are old white people.
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Jon Stewart last night looked into what was behind the paranoia that created the environment allowing Arizona lawmakers to pass the so-called...