Italy's Lower House of Parliament passes a motion on civil unions on the heels of Ireland's marriage equality vote.
In Sunday's "Last Week Tonight," comedian John Oliver heralds Ireland's same-sex marriage vote and slams the Catholic Church for its response.
The Vatican's top diplomat has some harsh words for the people of Ireland, who voted to make same-sex marriage a constitutional right last week.
While Tony Perkins, Brian Brown, Bryan Fischer, and other Christian Right pundits of the more shrill variety may be easy to ignore as they demand a...
Watch as "shocked" local San Francisco students speak out against their Archbishop's new morality clause for all Catholic high school employees.
The Archbishop of San Francisco is adding an anti-LGBT morals clause to teachers' contracts, and expanding anti-gay language in official handbooks.
Christian evangelical extremist Ken Ham and his friends are apoplectic over Carnival Cruise Lines' Super Bowl ad embracing evolution.
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This afternoon President Barack Obama made an historic announcement: The United States is re-establishing diplomatic ties with Cuba.
Apple CEO Tim Cook, Russian President Vladimir Putin, and six others are on Time magazine's short list for the Person of the year award. Who are...
Lost in translation? The Vatican, after releasing a draft document that asked if the Church is ready to "welcome"gays, has answered its question -- by changing...
On Monday, news came that the Vatican was ready to acknowledge the "gifts and qualities" gay people have to offer. By Tuesday, conservatives at the highest...
A Catholic high school in Charlotte, North Carolina is under fire after one of its regular guest instructors last week delivered a lecture that reportedly blamed...
Joe Biden on Saturday told a Human Rights Campaign audience that “it’s close to barbaric” LGBT people can be fired “for who you love.” He also...
Former president Jimmy Carter last night appeared on the Colbert Report, and delivered an endearing and hysterical interview with Stephen Colbert. The former president played along...