NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, today jumped all over an anti-gay “research” paper and posted a thoroughly false graphic purportedly taken from a Washington Times...
Mark Regnerus, a professor at University of Texas, Austin and Loren Marks, a professor at Louisiana State University, authors of disreputable studies about gays have attracted...
Dr. Keith Ablow is worried that gay bullies will now attack him for penning a column today that supports an already debunked, flawed research paper which...
First Amendment Defense Act Subject of House Oversight Committee Hearing Tuesday Morning
Former US President Brags He 'Took Steps to Preserve the Sanctity of Marriage'
Today is the 16th annual International Religious Freedom Day, and the federal government wants to remind you about the International Religious Freedom Act.
Speaking at Catholic University this afternoon, Tea Party Republican Senator Marco Rubio attacked supporters of same-sex marriage as "intolerant."
➤ “I think we expected that,” Mitt Romney claimed of the 18 seconds of sustained booing he received from the NAACP when he promised to repeal Obamacare....
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Bryan Fischer, who is neither medical doctor nor scientist, has read a press release and concluded that a new study shows that homosexuality...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Douglas Allen is an anti-gay bigot who sits on the National Organization For Marriage‘s-linked Ruth Institute Board of Advisors and is one of its...
The National Organization For Marriage late last night released a fundraising email loaded with shockingly offensive commentary about NOM President Brian Brown‘s dinner table marriage debate...
No sooner had marriage equality been voted into law in New York on June 24, 2011, than the evil anti-gay-rights bigots of the National Organization for...
Bill Maher says “the idea that the blame for our government’s dysfunction is equally shared by the parties just is a giant, steaming mound of horseshit...