Pope Francis announces his support for constitutional bans on same-sex marriage and adoption by same-sex couples.
On the front page of Erick Erickson's RedState is an article attacking Michael Sam for proposing at the Vatican.
The National Organization for Marriage ended 2013 more than $2.5 million in the red, and saw it's funding drop more than 50 percent.
Pope Francis is in Rome this week at a "traditional marriage" conference. In attendance are some of America's most active anti-gay activists.
Tea Party Republican Congressman Steve King doesn't care what the Pope says, he's certain that homosexuality is a sin and no gay person has made it...
On Monday, news came that the Vatican was ready to acknowledge the "gifts and qualities" gay people have to offer. By Tuesday, conservatives at the highest...
Perhaps the gun-obsessed Alex Jones worshipping leaders of the Grace Baptist Church were just punning around, and really wanted their Troy, New York neighbors to think, “my piece I...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};John Lennon was infamously (and unfairly) mocked in 1966 when he claimed that the Beatles were “more popular than Jesus.” His comment was...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Pope Francis may have won millions of hearts, including many from the LGBT community, but his positions on church doctrine have not changed....
While Pope Francis calls on clergy worldwide to forgo “living like princes,” it appears at least one American archbishop has decided to ignore the Vatican’s dictates....
Pope Francis I says the Catholic Church must stop being “obsessed” with preaching about same-sex marriage, birth control, and abortion, or it may find itself extinct....
Probably the only less-transparent worldwide organization than the International Olympics Committee is the Vatican. And the manner in which both select new leaders is equally opaque....
New Yorkers and Catholics around the nation are responding to the use on Sunday of the New York Police Department to bar gay and allied Catholics...
Pope Francis apparently and accidentally just performed an exorcism. “Francis laid his hands Sunday on the head of a young man after celebrating Mass in St....
At least 77 of the 115 Cardinals have voted to elect a new Pope, with white smoke coming from the special Vatican chimney today about 2:08...