While he was still a Chaplain in the Navy, ordained Pentecostal Minister Gordon Klingenschmitt claims he “exorcised” the “sin” of homosexuality from many gay and lesbian service...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; A Texas law professor says that Black and Hispanic students are failing in school because they are being raised by mothers who...
 THE GIST Princeton University bears direct responsibility for enabling the worldwide dissemination of demonizing lies told against LGBT people. It is way past time for...
Mark Regnerus said the conservative organization that funded his study played ‘no role’ in the research. New evidence calls that claim into question. When University of...
Notoriously, the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) and the anti-gay-rights Witherspoon Institute got their starts in the same office space in Princeton, New Jersey. NOM has since...
Roman Catholic Archbishop quotes discredited anti-gay parenting “study” of Mark Regnerus as proof gays should not be allowed to marry or raise children. John Myers, the Archbishop of...
Yesterday, The New Civil Rights Movement published our report and initial analysis of a UK study on rates of drug abuse among the UK LGBT population. The study,...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; 2012 was a watershed year that historians — and all Americans — will look to as the moment reborn Democratic politics won...
Following the shooting of a security guard at the anti-gay Family Research Council, Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank called it “reckless“ for the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and the Southern...
The National Organization for Marriage‘s “Yes on 8” — the group responsible for getting Prop 8 on the ballot and getting it passed — has admitted...
The National Review as an Organ of Arrogant Bigotry Robert VerBruggen writes for The National Review, which was founded by the white supremacist William F. Buckley,...
Above is “a comparison of the unemployment rates in the first 42 months of the Reagan and Obama presidencies.” Republican U.S. Congressman Thaddeus McCotter, who ran...
Mark Regnerus, the author of a flawed parenting paper that attempts to claim that gay and lesbian parents not only aren’t as good as straight parents,...
Four of America’s top LGBT civil rights advocacy organizations have joined forces to unite in opposition to a flawed research paper written by an associate professor...
The Mormon Church, via its wholly-owned Salt Lake City-based newspaper business, the Deseret News, was the first to announce and publicly applaud an anti-gay and —...