Freedom's Just Another Word for Nothing Left to Lose, Apparently Including Your Own Dignity
'We're Going to Err on the Side of Protecting Liberties of Our People' Pence Says. 'Our People'?
Clinton Beats Trump Across Every Age Demographic
'When You Give, They Do Whatever the Hell You Want Them to Do,' Trump Has Boasted
Franklin Graham's Organizations Have Received Over $100,000 From Trump's Foundation
Mike Pence's Middle Name Apparently Is 'Hypocrisy'
One More Screw Up
'Nancy Would Vote for Hillary and Was Appalled to Hear People Say He Reminds Them' of Ronald Reagan
Clinton's Chances Jump Double Digits
'It Matters Whether a President Reflects the Ethical Notions of a Nation. It Matters That He or She Has Basic Sensibilities.'
Trump Disgraces, Demeans Veterans Again
'What Does He Think of You?'
Regrets Prosecuting Whitewater Investigation
Seven Points in Head-to-Head Matchup