Chilling. Sowing Seeds of Doubt About the Media's Veracity Is What Fascist Leaders - Not Presidents of Democratic Republics - Do.
'Cloistered in the White House, He Now Has Little Access to His Fans and Supporters'
'Moose Lambs'
Trump Called for a Wall With a Door - but Try Telling That to His Supporters
Trump Is Coming Completely Unhinged
"The world is more beautiful the more you accept."
President Says "Court System" To Blame For Any Future Terror Attacks
"We have a lot of killers," Trump said. "You think our country is so innocent?"
"Almost Everyone Who Is Here Illegally Could Potentially Be Considered A Priority," Expert Says
Vice President Won't Say If Trump Will Sign Sweeping Anti-LGBT Religious Freedom Order
Trump's First Two Weeks In Office Provided Plenty Of Material
LGBT Solidarity Rally Kicks Off In NYC
President's Florida Trip Will Benefit His Companies, Could Cost Taxpayers Over $3 Million
New Documents Show President Still Closely Tied To Business Empire
"He's already tried to undermine confidence in the voting process, now on to the judicial branch"