'She Was Warned. She Was Given an Explanation. Nevertheless, She Persisted.'
Starts Now
Claims Trump's Muslim Ban the Result of Insufficient Coverage of Underreported Attacks
Says Acts of Terror by Islamic Extremists Are 'Different'
Mike Pence Slated to Cast Hstory-Making Deciding Vote
Orlando, Paris, San Bernardino All on White House List - Quebec Mosque Attack Is Not
Trump Thinks a Woman Playing a Man Makes Them Look 'Weak'
Trump's False Claim Appears to Have Come From Nation's Top Conspiracy Theorist
'We Passed. Those Are the Facts'
Just One More Republican 'No' Vote Needed!
Chilling. Sowing Seeds of Doubt About the Media's Veracity Is What Fascist Leaders - Not Presidents of Democratic Republics - Do.
'Cloistered in the White House, He Now Has Little Access to His Fans and Supporters'
'Moose Lambs'