Tony Perkins, head of the certified hate group Family Research Council (FRC), strongly suggests an unnamed American military leader lied to Congress in his testimony that...
Tony Perkins, president of the certified hate group the Family Research Council, today via Twitter linked the U.S. economy’s troubles to divorce. “Telling: US reached pinnacle...
Editor’s note: This guest post by Scott Wooledge was originally published at Daily Kos and is published here with his permission. Scott Wooledge writes at the...
Central Prop 8 Supporters Speak On Gay Marriage In today’s Prop 8 federal court case, the Anti-Prop 8 side showed this video that played in California...
Family Research Council President Tony Perkins preached at Westgate Chapel in Edmonds, Washington, Sunday. Following his sermon, Perkins sat down with Westgate’s senior pastor Alec Rowlands...
Tony Perkins says that extending marriage to same-sex couples will lead to the breakup of the family and an increase in the prison population. Because more...
In an unprecedented display of Christian hate, top anti-gay activists are joining together in a national campaign to pray the Supreme Court defeats same-sex marriage supporters.
Tony Perkins says that when gay people post photos of gay people so that Christians can see them, they're being persecuted.
Economics and international politics are very complicated matters, so it’s usually best if you let experts handle complex issues. For instance, Courtney Love solving the mystery of...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; It must be hell being Tony Perkins. Imagine if everywhere you turned you saw a conspiracy designed to end the world, people...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; As the march for civil rights of LGBT people becomes more and more successful, those on the wrong side of history are...
Tony Perkins says that gay people are living “in rebellion to God’s design,” and therefore turn to suicide “to fill that God vacuum.” Perkins, the head...
Tony Perkins yesterday threatened the Supreme Court (SCOTUS), saying if they strike down DOMA or legalize same-sex marriage, they will see America in a “firestorm” of...
Tony Perkins is now adding Barack Obama, and what he claims is the President’s “open season” on “religious freedom” to his list of those responsible for...
Tony Perkins is warning his followers that “Google’s approach to traditional values is to search—and destroy.” Perkins, head of the certified anti-gay hate group Family Research...