Mitt Romney wants you to know that allowing same-sex couples to visit each other in the hospital is a benefit — not a civil right —...
Michelle Malkin, the caustic conservative Tea Party Fox News Hot Air hypocrite, today published an op-ed titled, “Bigoted Anti-Bigots,” which claims “the gay-marriage mob slimed Manny...
Mitt Romney, forever out of touch with the “real America,” today in Council Bluffs, Iowa told farmers that “It’s time for us to cut back on” firemen,...
Sarah Palin said last night on Fox that President Barack Obama’s “goose is cooked” after Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker survived his recall election yesterday. Palin, the forty-​eight...
The Wisconsin recall election Tuesday resulted in the Democrats taking two Senate seats from the Republicans, but four Republicans retained their seats, resulting in a perceived...
RNC Chair Reince Priebus, who, after his predecessor’s constant embarrassing statements, has laid rather low. And perhaps he should have sat this one out too. When...
In “Embracing an ideology that killed a billion people,” Tea Party Nation head and founder Judson Phillips again stated his claim that Socialism killed a billion...
 Eurozone crisis pushes Greece to form a Unity government, New Jersey court rules civil unions challenge may continue, is a zygote a person? International Eurozone Sovereign...
Rapture-Causing Nazi-Like Gays Worthy Of Death The Rapture is coming! The Rapture is coming! And the radical right — furiously working to get their last attacks...
Today we bring you fascinating news from the world of sports, a ridiculous study on priest abuse, and an offensive video on Harvey Milk Day that...
Presents U.S. LGBT Movement New Opportunity To Forge Progressive Political Agenda With Allies From Madison to Tripoli, the conventional understanding of political order at home and...
International Hillary Clinton’s Makes US Foreign Policy LGBT History Secretary of State Hillary Clinton delivered a historical foreign policy speech outlining the Obama Administration’s position on...
Rudy Giuliani has a 2012 Twitter account? A Twitter account bearing the name Rudolph W. Giuliani and Twitter handle @RudyG2012 has appeared, with its first tweet on May...
In the past six months, the “brave new world” of the 21st century has erupted  into massive and immediate political, social, economic, and environmental change, foisting...
Nate Silver, statistician and founder of the highly-respected FiveThirtyEight, today in “Rasmussen Poll on Wisconsin Dispute May Be Biased,” said readers should “disregard” Rasmussen’s poll and “view...