Was He Joking? Maybe, Maybe Not.
'It Matters Whether a President Reflects the Ethical Notions of a Nation. It Matters That He or She Has Basic Sensibilities.'
Remember Obama's '5 Things That Are Harder Than Registering to Vote' PSA?
Vice President Marries Two White House Staffers
Vice President Talks to NPR
The Vice President is Expected to Paint a Very Honest Picture of the GOP Presumptive Nominee
Vice President Follows President Obama in Endorsing Former Secretary of State
Here are clips of Joe Biden's speech announcing he is not running.
Fox News seems certain Vice President Joe Biden will be running for president.
Vice President Joe Biden talks about his thoughts about running in 2016, the loss of his son, and about his family, and his faith in one...
Comedian and 2016 Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz just told a joke about the Vice President. Again. This time it's different.
Watch Joe Biden mock Dr. Ben Carson's ludicrous comments that prison proves being gay is a choice.
Joe Biden on Saturday told a Human Rights Campaign audience that “it’s close to barbaric” LGBT people can be fired “for who you love.” He also...
https://youtube.com/watch?v=F29iIBhwf5g%3Ffs%3D1%26hl%3Den_US Subscribe to The New Civil Rights Movement <!– google_ad_client = “pub-6759057198693805”; /* 468×60, created 10/21/10 */ google_ad_slot = “8507588931”; google_ad_width = 468; google_ad_height = 60;...
MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski needled House Republicans for overhyping their latest revelation in the impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden. House Oversight chairman James...