Pat Robertson says that Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger “set the stage for Adolph Hitler,” and accuses the “evil” organization of “genocide.” The televangelist made his...
STANDING ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF HISTORY examines ideas, events, places and people standing on the wrong as well as the right side of history. I...
Bryan Fischer, the public face of the certified anti-gay hate group, American Family Association, yesterday on his radio program said that the Wisconsin Sikh temple shooter...
Dan Cathy, Chick-Fil-A‘s COO and the lightening rod who set off a fast-food firestorm, said in an interview this week “we support biblical families,” and used the...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Ultra conservative Tea Party Republican U.S. Senator Jim DeMint from South Carolina, has announced his resignation and will become head of the ultra...
It wasn’t supposed to be like this. Mitt Romney, who has been running for president since about five seconds after he was born, has been dreaming of this...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Rick Santorum is already planning and organizing his campaign for the Republican 2016 presidential election season. Santorum, who lost badly this year, ran...
Rachel Maddow last night exposed Mitt Romney’s religious right pals, whom he told over the weekend at the Faith and Freedom Conference that straight parents are...
Caiden Cowger, a 14-year old who hosts a popular conservative radio talk show in West Virginia claims that “President Obama is making kids gay,” and says that...
Subverting a democracy already pushed and pulled into something stranger than a Doctor Dolittle Push-Me–Pull-You, more tenuous than Fred MacMurray’s “Flubber,” and more falsehoods-filled than Pinocchio,...
UPDATE — Watch the actual video in our story: Video: Allen West Says 78-81 Democratic Congressmen “Are Members Of the Communist Party†Allen West, purveyor of lies,...
Astounding. One of the Tea Party’s largest groups, Tea Party Nation, founded by the infamous Judson Phillips, last week posted an obscene comparison between the rich —...
The list of nominees for the GLAAD Media Awards has been released, and we are proud, surprised, and humbled to announce that The New Civil Rights Movement is...
Michele Bachmann has a history of getting history wrong, but this time it’s her metaphor that really offends. Bachmann, a white upper-middle class married Evangelical Lutheran...
NOTE: For the October 18 debate information, click here.  Here’s all you need to know to watch the GOP Republican Party debate! WHEN is the debate? Tonight,...