Editor’s note: This guest post by Scott Wooledge was originally published at Daily Kos today and is published here with his permission. Scott Wooledge writes at...
ENDA? There’s A (Facebook) App For That! Via Michael Cole at HRC: “Do you know if your state protects lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people from...
Seriously? Joe Solmonese, the head of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), just sits there as MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell starts off this segment today by saying Solmonese...
Editor’s note: This article and the photo are by Caleb Eigsti, a student at the University of Nebraska/Omaha. He is also my partner. This past Tuesday...
Why Former USAF Chief of Staff Merrill McPeak’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Memories Don’t Apply To Today’s Military, Or To Today’s America, And Will Make Us...
Even before President Obama announced at his State of the Union address that he would “work with Congress and the military to finally repeal the law...
Tonight, immediately after President Barack Obama completed his State of the Union address, the Human Rights Campaign, Evan Wolfson of Freedom to Marry, and Servicemembers Legal...
Will 66,000 LGBTQ Americans — And Their Families — Sleep Better Wednesday Night? There are 66,000 active members of the United States military who are LGBTQ,...
Will Obama Promise Repeal — Again? For years under Bush, and for months under Obama, military leaders have been “kicking that can down the road,” when...
On Tuesday, David Letterman insulted and attacked trans people everywhere with this crude and tasteless “joke.” https://youtube.com/watch?v=EbHN6wh8rvc%26hl%3Den_US%26fs%3D1%26hd%3D1%26border%3D1 On Wednesday, HRC and GLAAD, among countless others, demanded...
Former Congressman Wants To Be NY’s Senator Harold Ford, that intelligent, nice, analytical, passionate man you sometimes see on MSNBC, who used to be the U.S....
How To Make Good Use Of A Bad Year And A Bad Decade It seems appropriate that 2009 would be a terrible year, to top off...
Paterson: “Let Prop 8 Be A Call To Arms” Â At least 2000 citizen activists flooded the capitol city of New York state today, inspired by...
Do This Now. The New York State Senate Judiciary Committee is taking up the governor’s gay marriage bill on Tuesday. Tell them exactly what you think...
Hate Crime Bill Passes Committee. Just minutes ago, the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009 (H.R. 1913), better known as The Matthew Shepard...