Since his days on Crossfire, aside from his bowties, I have loathed Tucker Carlson. His “positions” on just about everything reek of his rich-boy, Newport, Rhode...
***UPDATED*** #2: New York Magazine weighs in, asking this morning, “Is Sesame Street Gay Friendly, or Just Friendly?,” and offers an historical perspective. And this: “But...
The Right Network is a media attempt to give credibility to right-wing hate and fear-mongering, conservative bigotry, and Republican talking points. Crescendoing in silence, the biggest...
Anti-Gay “Joe The Plumber†Wins Republican Party Office. Joe “I Would Never Let ‘Queers’ Near My Children†The Plumber, AKA Joe Wurzelbacher, has won one of...
Kelsey Grammer, poster child of the Right and the Right Network, has a few things to say about what’s wrong with, well, everything, despite his new...
My Dear, Fellow, “The Gays,” I’ve been looking at the news, and it finally dawned on me this week: Everything, I mean, everything, is our fault....
Sean Hannity, the less-popular-than Glenn-Beck-or-Bill-O’Reilly, third-rate Fox News pundit has been lagging in his ratings since Beck jumped into crazy land. So he just published his...
Last week was the perfect storm of Conservative carnival cacophony. “Ladies and Gentlemen, Children of All Ages….” should have been the rallying cry, starting on Valentine’s...
Who Will Denounce Joseph Stack’s Terrorism? This morning a man named Joseph Stack intentionally flew his plane into a government building in Austin, Texas. One person...
“I have voted along with the vast majority of Alaskans who had the opportunity to vote to amend our Constitution defining marriage as between one man...