"Basically… the information came in too late."
'Proof of Kavanaugh's Hostility Toward Women's Reproductive Freedom'
"He pulled his hand back, turned his back to me and walked away."
Kavanaugh would be a nightmare for civil rights.
Collins Offer No Hope to Thousands of Migrant Children Separated From Their Families
"Children were taken from them by Border Patrol agents who said they were going to give them a bath." They never came back.
"She's like a daughter to me. So smart, so hot. You know, I hate seeing her go but I love watching her walk away."
Second Dossier Could Corroborate First
Fox News Social Media Intern Donald Trump
ObamaCare and Medicare Will Suffer
'Stunning Revelation'
'We Certainly Support Religious Freedom and Would Ask That Congress Also Support That as Well' Says Press Secretary
Grassley Plays Politics, Protects White House
Bipartisan Senate Committee Decision
Links to Article from Gateway Pundit