In reality it's a public relations ploy designed to give so-called “undecided” Republicans in the Senate cover to vote for Kavanaugh.
“Yeah, well, boo yourself.”
White House Has Not Released Actual Directions to FBI
NBC News' Kate Snow Is Interviewing Julie Swetnick
It has become quite clear that Kavanaugh wasn’t being slimed but instead is a slime ball.
'Could Be Finished by Monday Morning'
"Sorry. Trump doesn't get to cherry pick victims to interview based on attorneys he's scared of."
"This confirmation process has become a national disgrace," Kavanaugh says.
"It's a big, fat, con job," Trump said of the allegations against Judge Kavanaugh.
"Few people have been bigger supporters of President Trump's America First agenda than Congressman Cramer."
"There'd been an email chain of Yale classmates of Kavanaugh talking about 'Will this thing come out?'"
'Devil’s Triangle'?
Lindsey Graham has decided in advance of Christine Blasey Ford's testimony that he will not change his mind on Kavanaugh.