Homophobic comments by a new religious leader at the proposed Park 51 community center in lower Manhattan — also known as the “Ground Zero Mosque” by...
Alcoa can’t wait… to distance themselves from the part an Alcoa representative on the Tennessee Chamber of Commerce played in helping an awful anti-gay bill pass...
Today, the Obama White House was all over civil rights and, yes, LGBTQ issues. First, they announced sixteen awesome appointments to administration civil rights positions. More...
In the past six months, the “brave new world” of the 21st century has erupted  into massive and immediate political, social, economic, and environmental change, foisting...
Is GOProud, the gay Tea Party wing of the Republican Party, “self-loathing?” Michelangelo Signorile, the gay, longtime author, activist, and radio host, says, yes. “First off,...
Newt Gingrich has finally succumbed and signed Bob Vander Plaats Family Leader’s marriage vow. The vow, the first this election season, was the subject of scorn...
And read the transcript here! https://youtube.com/watch?v=kl2g40GoRxg%3Ffs%3D1%26hl%3Den_US <!– google_ad_client = “pub-6759057198693805”; /* 468×60, created 10/21/10 */ google_ad_slot = “8507588931”; google_ad_width = 468; google_ad_height = 60; //–>
We all remember Rep. Joe Wilson’s “You lie” outcry to President Obama during a joint session of Congress in late 2009. Many were concerned there might...
Marriage equality, LGBT immigration, the challenges same-sex married binational couples and their families face — and what marriage really means. Columnist David W. Ross explains. Yes. I...
The GOP in the House and Senate, for the better part of a year now, have been promising they would focus on “jobs, jobs, jobs!” If...
Sarah Palin, who has chosen to ignore the spotlight after the heat got a little too hot to handle, will hold a rally for America’s troops...
The Jon Huntsman presidential campaign tried to position itself as very gay-friendly, especially over the past week, during which fundraising efforts were made that touted the...
MSNBC has suspended primetime host Ed Schultz, host of “The Ed Show,” for one week without pay for comments he made on his radio program Tuesday...
Newt Gingrich, the former, failed Speaker of the House who prosecuted President Bill Clinton’s impeachment trial yesterday on Fox News told host Chris Wallace he sees...
Editor’s note: See update that the bottom. Yet another new poll, this one released Tuesday morning by CNN/Opinion Research, shows majority approval in the United States...