Michele Bachmann, as many already know, was approached by an eight-year old activist at a South Carolina book signing, and was visibly shocked — at least momentarily...
Donald Trump, who teased America into thinking he might run for President, has been defeated in the media by the very GOP candidates he claimed he...
Is Michele Bachmann’s presidential campaign scrubbing the Internet of evidence of the radical religious beliefs and possible terrorism activities of her new campaign top staffer who...
Editor’s note: For information about the Saturday, December 10 debate, including time and viewing information, click here. Tonight, Saturday, November 12, the GOP will hold its 12th...
Is Rick Perry’s possibly intoxicated address to New Hampshire’s Cornerstone Action his “Howard Dean moment,” and the end of his campaign? Rick Perry addressed the ultra-conservative...
Please read Troy Davis and Jamey Rodemeyer: By A Jury Of Our Peers: Part I. This is part II. 3 I am Troy Davis, I am Jamey Rodemeyer....
“The only thing the repeal of DADT changes is that LGB folks can now fight and possibly die for this country. It does not allow for...
Nationalism isn’t just about Us vs. Them, it’s reliant on the marginalized and the “deviant.” They help us define who “we†are, and it comes at...
David McFarland, acting Executive Director and CEO of The Trevor Project joins MSNBC anchor Thomas Roberts to discuss the spike in anti-gay bullying, teen suicides, “no...
Leading Republican presidential candidate and Congresswoman Michele Bachmann has hired as a senior staffer an Evangelical extremist who sees her rise to the presidency as fulfilling...
Michele Bachmann (allegedly) is palling around with terrorists. At least, Bachmann is palling around with a Republican Evangelical who was arrested for terrorism, and spent 37...
Unlike President Obama, Texas Republican Governor Rick Perry is definitely not evolving. Perry made major news last week when he claimed that he was okay with...
From breast pumps to Big Bird, and from food stamps to family planning, the GOP is waging a war on America’s women and children. Full-fledged Republican...
Rick Santorum, speaking on the campaign trail in Spartanburg, South Carolina, suggested that government should have a bias against gay people, especially when it comes to adoption....
A 14-year old teenaged girl was tasered by a police officer in Allentown, a Philadelphia, Pennsylvania suburb, after school afternoon classes ended because school officials claimed...