Fifty years ago this past weekend, the Freedom Riders of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), which included student leaders Diane Nash and John Lewis, decided...
Is a “Kill The Gays” bill headed for New York City? At Sunday’s anti-gay marriage rally in New York City, sponsored by the National Organization For...
“China is in control of the Panama Canal,” according to Rep. Allen West (R-FL), who delivered the shocking news last week in a Florida town hall....
Almost half of all Americans, 47%, have an unfavorable view of the Tea Party, the highest unfavorable Gallup has ever recorded of the nascent, loosely-organized group...
Video Of Group Tied To International Religious Neo-Fascist Para-Military Cult Accused Of Assassination Plot On Pope And Reagan NOM, the National Organization for Marriage, Friday morning...
Matthew Shepard was brutally, savagely, and fatally attacked 13 years ago tonight, possibly exactly thirteen years ago at the very moment you are reading this now....
One night in America, the death penalty was hard at work, and two men — Troy Davis and Lawrence Russell Brewer — were put to death...
Editor’s Note 11.20.11: Please read today’s “UC Davis Pepper Spray Attack Of Students By Police: What Questions Do We Need Answered?,” and note that we have...
Matt Baume’s weekly news video focusing on marriage equality. This week Baume looks at an anti-gay North Carolina caught by The New Civil Rights Movement’s Scott...
Rick Perry, a Republican presidential candidate, equated homosexuality to alcoholism in his 2008 book, “On My Honor: Why the American Values of the Boy Scouts Are Worth...
In a clear effort to stall repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, twenty-three Republican members of the 435 member U.S. House of Representatives sent President Obama...
Memorial Day is the 70th year of anti-gay discrimination officially embedded in military policy, despite the false belief that DADT has been repealed. Today marks Memorial...
The GOP has decided to use the Bush-Rove playbook of the early 2000s campaigns to drive voters to the polls by using anti-gay hate and a...
NOM, the National Organization for Marriage, has a numbers problem with recent polls that show a majority of Americans support marriage equality. Ever since last Friday’s ABC...
UPDATE: 02.18.2011: Scott just updated this piece. Scroll down to the end for the update. Or, read t from the beginning again! Editor’s note: This guest...