'This Is a Spiritual Warfare, This Is a Battle' Franklin Graham Said
Trump Being Praised as 'The Most Pro-Life, Pro-Religious Liberty, and Pro-Conservative Judiciary President in History'
Trump's anti-LGBT actions have been far, far worse and damaging than many ever imagined.
"I think people many times take my statements out of context," Jeffress wrongly insists.
No reason was given for the cancellation.
White House Won't Even Condemn Vile Attacks
Pastor said Jews should have gone to Israel instead of living out their lives in their homes, from which Hitler took and murdered them.
'They're Also Free From the Worry of Being Shot in the Head for Taking a Knee Like They Would Be if They Were in North Korea'
Report: 'Within Days of the Meeting, Mr. Trump Took Action, Announcing His Transgender Military Ban'
'We Thank You for Acknowledging That Ultimately It Is God Who Is the Source of Our Unity as Americans'
President Surrounded by 15 Faith Leaders
Many Americans Outraged Over Christian Pastor's Claim Bible Says Trump Can 'Take Out' Kim Jong-un
The book will focus on Trump's "rarely discussed, deeply important religious beliefs."
Attacks Obama, Contradicts His Secretary of State
A Vision of Fascistic Nationalism That Ignores America's Beautiful Diversity and Promise of Freedom and Equality for All