Just moments ago, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals announced it will not re-hear the Prop 8 case “en banc.” You can read the complete, full,...
AFER, the American Foundation for Equal Rights, today announced a major announcement is coming tomorrow in the Prop 8 case. Prop 8, a constitutional amendment to California’s...
Editor’s note: John Culhane will be available for questions on today’s Prop 8 decision. If your have any, leave them in the comments section. Perhaps he’ll...
Via HRC: This week, HRC unearthed confidential NOM memos outlining a strategy to “drive a wedge between gays and blacks” and manipulate the Latino community on...
Rick Santorum had what most likely was the worst day ever in Tacoma, Washington yesterday. He chose to deliver a speech at night — just hours...
ADF, the Alliance Defense Fund targeted and attacked GLAAD yesterday evening, suggesting their just-launched Commentator Accountability Project (CAP) violates the First Amendment. In one of the ADF’s...
Last night, “8,” the play based on transcripts of the Prop 8 trial, was performed with an all-star cast and broadcast live last night. Now, you...
Supporters of California’s Proposition 8 law banning same-sex couples from marrying waited until the very last day to file a motion with the Ninth Circuit to...
“7M Californians had their rights stripped away today by activist 9th Circuit judges. As president I will work to protect marriage,” Santorum claimed, via Twitter. Santorum...
Yes On 8, also known as “ProtectMarriage.com,” is the group that fought to pass Proposition 8. In other words, the reason same-sex marriage was banned in...
Upon today’s news that the Ninth Circuit has reaffirmed California’s Prop 8 unconstitutional, a flurry of responses from LGBT rights groups have come. Here’s a sampling....
Today, Prop 8 was again ruled unconstitutional, this time by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, in a 2-1 decision. Read the full written decision here:...
Today, Prop 8 was again ruled unconstitutional, this time by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, in a 2-1 decision. In their ruling, they stated the...
Minutes ago the Ninth Circuit upheld Judge Vaughn Walker’s ruling that Prop 8 is unconstitutional. It’s time to rally to show your support for marriage equality,...
An important decision in California’s Prop 8 same-sex marriage case will be issued by the federal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals tomorrow, according to several news...