Herman Cain, a Republican candidate for President, just released an ad that politicizes the 9/11 tragedy, and exploits the deaths of thousands of people at the...
Herman Cain, the Republican presidential hopeful who came in fifth in Iowa, said that “it would be a great thing” to impeach President Obama, and that Obama’s...
Dear Herman Cain,  I’m writing this letter to you because you need to be told off, and I’m the one to do it. You see,...
Herman Cain is a re-enactment of Jim Carey’s “Liar, Liar” character and has told us over and over the past two weeks how much he disrespects...
Another Trump nominee who has been accused of bad behavior with women.
Above is “a comparison of the unemployment rates in the first 42 months of the Reagan and Obama presidencies.” Republican U.S. Congressman Thaddeus McCotter, who ran...
Herman Cain told PBS’ Judy Woodruff Tuesday night he is worried China is trying to develop a nuclear bomb. China has had a nuclear bomb —...
Why does MSNBC insist that the leader of a certified hate group listed along with the KKK — the Family Research Council (FRC) — is a...
Herman Cain struggled and at times could not answer reporters’ questions about Libya, including whether he supports President Barack Obama’s successful efforts to oust Muammar Gaddafi....
 Herman Cain, in a nationally-televised press conference this afternoon said he has never behaved inappropriately with anyone, ever. “I have never acted inappropriately with anyone. Period,â€...
The lawyer for one of Herman Cain‘s sexual harassment accusers stood in front of reporters today to say his client was refusing to back down and...
Yesterday and today feel like a week’s worth of Herman Cain dancing around the sexual harassment charges disclosed by Politico, in which two women claim Cain...
Ann Coulter, the uber-conservative right-wing columnist says that the sexual harassment allegations against Herman Cain amount to a “high tech lynching” by Liberals. “There’s nothing Liberals...
GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain stuck to his guns that Democrats have brainwashed Americans (and African-Americans) in an interview with MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell. Cain also claimed...