Speaker Nancy Pelosi minutes ago announced the House of Representatives today will pass a major coronavirus bill today, with or without support of Republicans. The Speaker...
At his State of the Union Address Tuesday night President Donald Trump bragged about having lifted more than 10 million people “off of welfare.” That’s false...
In yet another 5-4 decision conservatives on the U.S. Supreme Court have blocked a district court judge’s ruling and are allowing President Donald Trump to implement a...
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) was one of the progressive leaders in New York City credited with blocking $3 billion in public subsidies for Amazon to open...
A federal judge has just issued an order blocking President Donald Trump’s new policy of banning poor immigrants, calling it “repugnant to the American Dream.” President...
"This is time we don't have," Miller said, blasting a DHS official. "I don't care what you need to do to finish it on time."
Sitting "family values" and "traditional marriage" Republican U.S. Senator A-OK with presidential hush money payments.
The Trump administration "had no idea" what the government does, adds a conservative commentator.
"They're watching porn, they're watching women, they're watching TV," Parker claims, "but they're not working." That's often very false.
Legal Immigrants who have ever accessed any form of federal assistance, including ObamaCare, may be denied citizenship.
Is Rubio Signaling a 2020 Run?
President Cites Hate Group to Support His Claim
Same-Sex Marriage Icon and Inspiration Whose Supreme Court Case Paved Road for Marriage Equality
'Yet Another Step to Deny LGBTQ People Freedom, Justice, and Equity, by Choosing to Exclude Us'
Morale Booster?