var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; The most useless and uninteresting politician on Twitter, Chuck Grassley, welcomed Pope Benedict XVI to Twitter today, tweeting “U will find it...
Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League, issued a statement yesterday defending Father Benedict Groeschel, who earlier this week blamed child victims of pedophile priests for their...
Ryan Murphy, creator of NBC’s “The New Normal” is going all out, taking on both the Catholic Church for its anti-gay policies, and gay people who...
Catholic Cardinal Francis George, the Cardinal-Archbishop of Chicago, told 400 couples he had gathered to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversaries yesterday that their marriages are real but...
The Catholic Church has revived a tradition originally begun in the 17th century and abandoned almost 100 years ago, to bash gay people. Following the Vatican’s’s...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Bryan Fischer says that the terrorists who killed almost 3000 Americans in 2001 on 9/11 “were the agents of God’s wrath” sent in...
Archbishop Timothy Dolan last night launched an attack on same-sex marriage equality and abortion in his closing prayer while an “invited” guest in the Democrats’ home,...
Pope Benedict XVI says that gay people are “a concept of human nature that has proven defective,” that threaten the family, and are not “fully-developed” human...
John Nienstedt, the Archbishop who gained infamy for mass-mailing hundreds of thousands of anti-gay marriage DVDs to Minnesota families without their asking or approval, now says...
After three U.S. states voted to extend the institution of marriage to same-sex couples, and a fourth refused to enshrine a ban into its constitution, and...
The Knights of Columbus has spent $15.8 million since 2005 fighting same-sex marriage equality, according to a study by Equally Blessed, a “a coalition of four Catholic...
David Dykes, an influential and well-connected U.S. pastor who has been praising Uganda for its “Kill The Gays” bill, is now walking his comments back and...
The newly-appointed Archbishop of San Francisco, Salvatore Cordileone, widely known as the “Father of Prop 8,” was arrested late Saturday night on suspicion of drunk driving...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; 2012 was a watershed year that historians — and all Americans — will look to as the moment reborn Democratic politics won...
Catholic League president Bill Donohue, who is always attacking someone — usually liberals or Democrats, or gays, or pro-gay liberal Democrats — yesterday went on Fox...