I remember an old joke, popular when I was a child: A driver is sitting at a traffic light. The light changes several times and after...
***UPDATED*** #2: New York Magazine weighs in, asking this morning, “Is Sesame Street Gay Friendly, or Just Friendly?,” and offers an historical perspective. And this: “But...
On Monday night’s The O’Reilly Factor, fresh off headlining GOProud’s “Homocon,” conservative pundit and professional gay-hater Ann Coulter started her conversation with Bill O’Reilly by defending...
I was watching TV with my better half a few days ago when we came upon The Food Network’s “Cupcake Wars.” Needless to say, I was...
Dear Senator McCain, Seriously. Who the hell are you kidding? UPDATE: 12.07.10: Liz Cheney joins her father Dick in wanting “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repealed! UPDATE...
Elite. It’s a baaaaad word! The moment the Right does not like something anyone says or does, all of a sudden they are classified (really, villified!)...
Rachel Maddow last night detailed the disgusting “defacto prohibition” of abortion by Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli. You remember Cuccinelli, don’t you? He came to fame...
Keith Olbermann, the famed MSNBC anchor and host of “Countdown With Keith Olbermann,” who was suspended over three political donations he made, will be returning to...
The GOP, which spent the George W. Bush years, and the American people’s hard-earned money, turning a Clinton budget surplus into a monstrous deficit, has spent...
The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Alpha Dog of the Week – George Rekers www.colbertnation.com http://media.mtvnservices.com/mgid:cms:item:comedycentral.com:308752 Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor Fox...
Anti-Gay “Joe The Plumber†Wins Republican Party Office. Joe “I Would Never Let ‘Queers’ Near My Children†The Plumber, AKA Joe Wurzelbacher, has won one of...
“Ex-gay.” It means someone who believes they were once gay, lesbian, or bisexual, but no longer affirms that identity, usually after intervention of “conversion therapy.” It...
https://youtube.com/watch?v=O3ZOKDmorj0%26hl%3Den_US%26fs%3D1 The Defense Of Marriage Act essentially being pronounced unconstitutional must have brought great secret joy to Maggie Gallagher, or at least to her wallet. The...
Editor’s note: J. Rudy Flesher is a Philadelphia based actor, blogger and college student. After a three-year detour working in health care he recently returned to...
My Dear, Fellow, “The Gays,” I’ve been looking at the news, and it finally dawned on me this week: Everything, I mean, everything, is our fault....